
Ric Edelman

I studied Biological Sciences at Kings College London, then shocked my professors by announcing I was off to Bristol Old Vic Theatre School. Subsequently, turning from acting to writing I had some early success on RADIO 4 and the LONDON FRINGE.

Overwhelmed by my yearning to help protect the natural world, I turned again - this time with my husband Nigel Hughes - to rainforest protection. Devising eco dramas with indigenous actors in PAPUA NEW GUINEA, we toured by dugout canoe and played to rainforest villages that had no concept of industrial logging. This led to the protection of 2,000 sq miles of primary forest, home to the Birds of Paradise.

The founding of Green Light Trust followed. Its aim: ongoing partnership with the rainforest people and motivation of communities to take local action here in the UK.
Eight years ago we handed over the Trust to a new team. This allowed me to return full time to my first passion - WRITING.

Throughout, my greatest writing support has come from Nigel, my husband, and Vipassana Meditation as taught by S. N. Goenka, which I practice daily.  Enduring thanks to both.

In spring 2019 Nigel formed a start up company, Outstanding.Global. Its aim is to trail-blaze openhearted and inclusive Leadership Training. It also supports the Arts, with its inaugural project - my CHEETAH screenplay.  Bedlam Film Productions LLP is producing the film. Outstanding.Global has provided the initial development fund.

In August 2020, with the horrors of rainforest destruction back in the news, our rainforest book Trees of Paradise was republished as an eBook, with a new Afterword to fast-track the reader to the present. Please see My Work for more on this.
We hope this eBook edition will help inspire a new generation to take up the fight.

Writer's desk

EARLY WORK under the name of Richard Edmunds includes:

  • BBC Radio 4

    THE RACE OF THE DUGOUT CANOES a rainforest drama with my self-recorded soundtrack (90 mins)

    THE ELECTRONIC LOVER a premonition of the affect of IT on the human psyche (90 mins)

    THE SONG OF THE PLOUGHBOY musings of a young tractor driver (15 mins)

    READINGS from my rainforest journal for the programme Reading Aloud (20 mins)

  • London Fringe

    WARRIORS IN A WASTELAND true story of the young London homeless (New End Hampstead)

    RISSOLES a vegetarian comedy (New End Hampstead)

    ANNABEL’S REQUIEM a reflection with songs on bullying and loss (Tower Theatre)

  • Workshops/readings

    YOUR SORROW SHOWS six unknowns from bedsit-land (National Theatre)

    Gulbenkian New Theatre Workshops an experimental two week residential (put forward by National Theatre)

  • Books

    TREES OF PARADISE a rainforest quest (Green Press)

    PERFECT BY MONDAY a journey through sexual addiction (still in my bottom drawer)